This episode was so awesome. I really liked how at the start the Doctor knew who River was but River didn't know. At first I thought she didn't know who the Doctor was entirely but it was just because he had regenerated and she hadn't known. It was really funny how she married King Hydroflax just for the diamond in his head, and she wanted to take his head off, but he just said, why didn't you ask? It was sad because I thought that the Doctor would use his new sonic screwdriver a bit more but he even used his sonic glasses, I did not expect that, he probably did that so River would't know it was him. It was also probably the funniest part when River said don't be surprised and he was going on and on about how the TARDIS was bigger on the inside. It was really cool how at the end the Doctor was crash landed on Darillium and then he went a bit forward in time and then he saw the worker and gave him the diamond, and then he told him to build a nice restaurant. It was really cool when he went a few years into the future and then the Doctor and River Song finally had their dinner. I was really sad when River said that it would be her last night but then the Doctor said that a night on Darillium is 24 years. Overall, I really loved this Christmas special and can't wait till next year.
Rating: 9.5/10
Saturday, 26 December 2015
Sunday, 20 December 2015
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Review
OMG! This was one of the best movies I have ever seen ever. I can't believe it was so good because I didn't expect it to be so good. It was so good at the start to just hear the theme music play and the original yellow writing saying the storyline. I finally realised why Luke wasn't in any trailers, because he had disappeared. It was so cool meeting Kylo Ren for the first time but then finding out that he was Han Solo and General (not Princess) Leia's son! It was so funny when Poe Dameron was captured he was like, so are you gonna talk first or me, and then him and Finn broke out, which was really awesome. I thought that Poe was dead but he wasn't, he just landed somewhere else! It was sad how when Han Solo had thought that he convinced Ben Solo (Kylo Ren) that he had turned his lightsaber against him and killed Han Solo, I wasn't expecting that at all. It was funny how Rey was trying to use Jedi min tricks on the stormtrooper to escape, and it actually worked, but it is so cool how she could be a Jedi. It was really awesome at the end when Finn had gotten the lightsaber because Kylo Ren had pushed her into the tree, but he had gotten hurt. It was awesome how Kylo Ren was trying to force grab the Luke's old lightsaber to him but Rey was also and it went flying past Kylo Ren and into Rey's hands. It was awesome how when Rey was losing the fight Kylo Ren mentioned the force and Rey felt the force around her and then defeated Kylo Ren. It was so cool how at the end Chewbacca and Rey went to find Luke Skywalker and at the end we saw Luke, looking as awesome as ever. Overall, this is the best movie ever and can't wait for Episode VII!
Rating: 10/10
Rating: 10/10
Wednesday, 9 December 2015
The Flash: Running to Stand Still Review
This episode was so cool because it was Christmas themed. It was so cool when Barry walked into his house with Iris and he saw Captain Cold and they had a massive argument and also when Joe found out about Wally West. At the start of the episode, it was cool when Zoom was chasing Harry and how Zoom kept coming back to Harry throughout the episode. It was awesome when Harry came up with the idea to use magnetism to get all the bombs away but it was also really cool when the Trickster, Captain Cold and also Weather Wizard were all in this episode, even though Captain Cold didn't do much. It was cool when all the bombs went off, Barry's eyes started to become lightning and the Trickster was like, Uh Oh, and then barry tied everyone up. It was cool when Barry talked Patty into not killing Mark Mardon because then she would waste her life. It was also really cool when Wally West just appeared at their door during Christmas dinner. Overall, it was a really good episode and I can't wait till next year when there will be a new episode.
Rating: 9/10
Rating: 9/10
Supergirl: Pilot Review
This is probably gonna be another one of my favourite shows, especially since I can watch it from the start. I really like how they are still incorporating Superman into this show even though they aren't making him the main star of the show. It is a pretty cool show and it has such a good show. I like how she slowly started to develop her powers and learn to fly. I liked it how Jimmy Olsen knew the whole time about her powers and how she didn't really know how to use her powers and saved the plane, just like Superman did in Superman Returns. Overall, I can't wait for more Supergirl episodes and more awesome storylines!
Rating: 9/10
Rating: 9/10
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Doctor Who: Hell Bent Review
When the Doctor first walked into the diner, I was wondering why he hadn't reacted to Clara in the diner, and I was like, why aren't you saying you look exactly like my old friend! It was so cool how the whole episode was just the Doctor telling waitress Clara about the story, except without the alien bits, so he changed it to things like gang members wanting to kill him and stuff. It was so cool how the Doctor was back on Gallifrey and he was back in his old barn where he used to live and was in for the 50th anniversary special and also the episode in Series 8 Listen. It was pretty cool how Rassilon was also in this episode and the Doctor also became Lord President, which was pretty cool. it was even better that the Doctor paused time just as Clara was about to die and took Clara out of there, and tried to do anything to save her, from shooting a war council member and her regenerating and lots of other crazy stuff. There were lots of awesome bits in this episode but I think the best was probably the Doctor stealing another TARDIS! It was so cool because he went to the end of the universe and Ashildr/Me was just sitting there watching stars die. It was crazy how it was a 50/50 chance of either the Doctor forgetting Clara or Clara forgetting the Doctor. It was so sad to see the Doctor forget Clara and walk into that Diner without even knowing it was her. I think when Clara went back into the TARDIS and the diner dissolved around him, I think he found out that Clara was that lady who was the waitress. It was so cool to see at the very end of the episode the Doctor put on his more Doctory kind of jacket and also get an awesome new Sonic Screwdriver which is TARDIS blue! Overall, this was one of the most awesome episodes I have ever seen of any TV show I have ever watched.
Rating: 10/10
Rating: 10/10
Arrow: Legends of Yesterday Review
This was an excellent 2nd part to Legends of Today on the Flash, and it was so gripping and filled with action. It was so cool how everyone teamed up and they all went to fight Vandal Savage. It was awesome when Barry was running really fast and he saw a speed mirage and when I saw that, I knew there would be some time travelling in this episode, which is awesome! It was pretty cool how Oliver had a son but it sucked how he and Felicity had an argument. It was so cool when Barry, Oliver, Hawkman and Hawkgirl all went to fight Vandal Savage but it was scary when Hawkman died and got stabbed, then Hawkgirl, then Oliver. I was so scared that all these people had just died but then I realised Barry could time travel and I was like, YES! The effects of everyone being burned to shreds was pretty cool because you saw all of the people in their last freeze and then just see their skeleton. It was cool how he was trying to outrun the blast and go back in time and he went back to when he, Merlin and Oliver were speaking with Vandal Savage. It was so cool how Barry could prevent so many things like everyone dying, Oliver telling Felicity about his son and also that the gloves weren't working. It was so cool how everyone got to chip in to help to defeat Vandal Savage this time but it was crazy how Merlin took his ashes into a container and said you owe me one, that's probably how Vandal Savage comes to life in Legends of Tomorrow. Overall, this 2nd part was awesome and I can't wait for more Arrow, Flash crossovers!
Rating: 10/10
Rating: 10/10
Wednesday, 2 December 2015
The Flash: Legends of Today Review
This episode was awesome! It had everything from Hawkgirl, Hawkman, Green Arrow and also Vandal Savage. It was crazy how Vandal Savage had just appeared at Central City and already wanted to kill Hawkgirl. Vandal Savage is crazy, he is immortal and he has lots and lots of knives, you don't want to mess with him. It is so cool how the Flash got there just in time when he was about to kill Cisco and Hawkgirl and he caught the knife just as it was about to hit him. It was also crazy when he threw 6 knives and they were about to hit everyone on Team Flarrow, and Barry had caught them but one just knicked him, but he got up and caught another one just as it was about to him himself. It was also crazy how Patty Spivot had shot Harrison Wells and Jay had to take Velocity 6 to save him and get temporary speed. I can't wait until tomorrow when the Arrow episode 'Legends of Yesterday' comes out, I might even do a review on that since it is a two parter. Overall, this was probably one of the best episodes so far and I can't wait for more!
Rating: 9.75/10
Rating: 9.75/10
Doctor Who: Heaven Sent Review
Wow, there are a lot of crazy things in this episode, from the Doctor dying to him coming back again, a few hundred times. I thought the concept of this was cool how he would strategically run from one room to the next trying to fin room 12, which was the way out. It was crazy how when he found it, he started punching the wall, and everyone was like, what is he doing? But when his face got burnt and he got his old self back, it made more sense. I thought it was pretty cool how over 2 billion years the Doctor had punched the wall over and over again. It was crazy how the Doctor walked out and the whole island just became a small dial. I also thought that it was crazy how the Doctor was back on Gallifrey, like, who expected that! Overall, this was a really cool episode with a awesome story line.
Rating: 9.5/10
Rating: 9.5/10
Doctor Who: Face the Raven Review
This was probably one of the saddest episodes yet. It was pretty cool how they brought Rigsy back into the show and also Maisie Williams again! It was really sad because the moment Clara had taken the countdown off Rigsy I knew something bad would happen. It was so sad how everyone could only just watch the old man die and Clara die.It was sad how Clara had to just Face the Raven and she died. Overall, this was one of the saddest episodes yet and it could probably be the saddest.
Rating: 8/10
Rating: 8/10
Wednesday, 18 November 2015
The Flash: Gorilla Warfare Review
This episode was awesome. I liked how Barry didn't have his speed but he eventually got it back. I liked how they had to use the Eobard Thawne Reverse Flash Suit to convince Grodd that Harry was him. It was crazy how Grodd was back but wasn't as evil and deadly as evil. I really liked how Caitlin was one of the main stars of this episode. It was cool how they lured Grodd into the wormhole and Barry got his speed back, by his dad giving him a speech. It was really cool how at the end, they were like, we should destroy the suit, but then Barry was like can I use this ring, that was the best. It was also cool how Hawkgirl and Cisco started going on dates and also how Barry and Patty are dating again. Overall, this episode was full of awesome things like the Flash ring that Eobard Thawne used.
Rating: 9/10
Rating: 9/10
Be Sure to Check Out The New Flash, Arrow Crossover!
Monday, 16 November 2015
Doctor Who: Sleep No More Review
This episode was probably one of the scariest. I really liked the concept of the Morpheus machine but I knew that the sandmen had something to do with it all along, and that the guy on the lab originally was going to be a bad guy. I liked the crew and how they used the "head cams" as the actual cameras to record this episode, other than when the guy was narrating. It was a real twist when the Doctor realised that they didn't have head cams. I kind of suspected it because I saw the screen going from Clara's point of view and I was like, what??? But It was crazy how the sandmen used the "sleep dust" in your eye to look around. Overall, this was one of the scariest Doctor Who episodes yet, I can't wait for the next one, it looks so good!
Rating: 8/10
Rating: 8/10
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
The Flash: Enter Zoom Review
Woah, just woah. This episode was crazy, from Barry facing Zoom to Linda Park trying to be Dr Light. I honestly thought that Linda Park would be the one who got Zoom to come by "defeating" the Flash. It was cool how Cisco had his meta human power catching on and how he could vibe things. It was crazy how just as you least expected it, Zoom just came out of nowhere and abducted Linda. I honestly thought that Barry would win the fight against Zoom because of the Terminal Velocity fight, but he didn't he just gotten beaten up really badly and got shown to the world how he had lost. I was expecting Zoom to just drop Barry off at the Police Station in front of everyone, but Zoom didn't. Just as we thought Barry had healed, we were all happy for Barry how he hadn't died, but then he was like, I can't feel my legs. I can't believe Barry had lost his speed, after everything Jay had told him. Overall, this episode was one of the best so far, which I think is closely competing with Flash of Two Worlds.
Rating: 9.5/10
Rating: 9.5/10
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
Doctor Who: The Zygon Inversion Review
This episode was full of twists and turns. I really liked how at the end the Doctor said that his name was Doctor John Disco to the Zygons, I hope that is an ongoing thing with Doctor Disco. I liked how Clara could take control of the Zygon Bonnie, or Zygella, and how she could make Zygella miss the rocket and write a text without her knowing.It was so cool how the Clara said you'll find out why it is the Osgood box when you see it, because there is 2! It was really cool how the Doctor told Zygella some things and she stopped and just became another Osgood, which is crazy. Overall, this was a really crazy and fun episode.
Rating: 8/10
Rating: 8/10
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
The Flash: The Darkness and the Light Review
This episode was so cool. I really liked how they used Linda Park from Earth 2 as the bad guy in this episode. It was also really weird seeing Harrison Wells, or as Cisco called him, Harry, walk and not be in a wheel chair. It was really funny when Barry and Patty were about to go on a date but Barry was partially blind and he had to get Cisco to guide him. After a while it was really funny how Patty was just like, I know that you can't see me, and he was like, what are you talking about. It was cool how Cisco learned how to use his powers correctly and how Barry gave him the name Vibe. It was also cool how they introduced Hawkgirl and also Jesse Quick in one episode. It was sad how Jay Garrick just left and cool how Harry had the meta human detecting watch. It was also awesome how Barry made a speed mirage and how he defeated Dr Light. Overall, this episode was full of jokes and was action packed.
Rating: 9/10
Rating: 9/10
Doctor Who: The Zygon Invasion Review
I really liked how Osgood was in this episode. It was crazy how the Zygons were everywhere and were disguised as everything ranged from a boy's parents to 7 year olds. I really liked how Osgood was in this episode and how the Doctor referred to himself as "Doctor Disco". It was crazy how when they were in the Zygon hideout and then Clara was like these are the duplicates they are growing and the other lady said that they keep the original she realised it was a trap, and that was crazy and awesome. I saw "Clara" with a rocket launcher and my thoughts immediately thought uh oh! Overall this was a crazy episode of Doctor Who, and I can't wait for the next part.
Rating: 7/10
Rating: 7/10
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
The Flash: The Fury of Firestorm Review
This episode was amazing. I liked how they showed Jefferson Jackson's back story and how he got his powers. It was really cool how they needed to find a match for Martin Stein but only 2 were compatible, one of which went rogue. I liked how Barry and Patty were joking about a shark man and that became an ongoing thing throughout the episode. It turn's out Iris' mum was actually sick but she also had another son called ally West, which I was expecting to happen, since I knew Wally West was coming but just didn't know how. It was crazy how Jax and Martin Stein fused and immediately defeated Henry Hewitt as a team. It was crazy how at the end, Barry was talking about moving on and then he was looking at Patty, then all of a sudden, the huge shark man comes out of nowhere, about to eat Barry and Patty, but then a man shoots the shark with a blue gun. I wondered who it was for a second but then realised when I saw his hair, that it was Harrison Wells. I wasn't expecting Harrison Wells to be introduced that early, but that was really cool. Overall, this episode was amazing with lots of funny things and lots of twists and turns.
Rating: 9.5/10
Rating: 9.5/10
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