Wednesday 4 November 2015

The Flash: The Darkness and the Light Review

This episode was so cool. I really liked how they used Linda Park from Earth 2 as the bad guy in this episode. It was also really weird seeing Harrison Wells, or as Cisco called him, Harry, walk and not be in a wheel chair. It was really funny when Barry and Patty were about to go on a date but Barry was partially blind and he had to get Cisco to guide him. After a while it was really funny how Patty was just like, I know that you can't see me, and he was like, what are you talking about. It was cool how Cisco learned how to use his powers correctly and how Barry gave him the name Vibe. It was also cool how they introduced Hawkgirl and also Jesse Quick in one episode. It was sad how Jay Garrick just left and cool how Harry had the meta human detecting watch. It was also awesome how Barry made a speed mirage and how he defeated Dr Light. Overall, this episode was full of jokes and was action packed.

Rating: 9/10

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