Wednesday 9 December 2015

The Flash: Running to Stand Still Review

This episode was so cool because it was Christmas themed. It was so cool when Barry walked into his house with Iris and he saw Captain Cold and they had a massive argument and also when Joe found out about Wally West. At the start of the episode, it was cool when Zoom was chasing Harry and how Zoom kept coming back to Harry throughout the episode. It was awesome when Harry came up with the idea to use magnetism to get all the bombs away but it was also really cool when the Trickster, Captain Cold and also Weather Wizard were all in this episode, even though Captain Cold didn't do much. It was cool when all the bombs went off, Barry's eyes started to become lightning and the Trickster was like, Uh Oh, and then barry tied everyone up. It was cool when Barry talked Patty into not killing Mark Mardon because then she would waste her life. It was also really cool when Wally West just appeared at their door during Christmas dinner. Overall, it was a really good episode and I can't wait till next year when there will be a new episode.

Rating: 9/10

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