Wednesday 2 December 2015

Doctor Who: Heaven Sent Review

Wow, there are a lot of crazy things in this episode, from the Doctor dying to him coming back again, a few hundred times. I thought the concept of this was cool how he would strategically run from one room to the next trying to fin room 12, which was the way out. It was crazy how when he found it, he started punching the wall, and everyone was like, what is he doing? But when his face got burnt and he got his old self back, it made more sense. I thought it was pretty cool how over 2 billion years the Doctor had punched the wall over and over again. It was crazy how the Doctor walked out and the whole island just became a small dial. I also thought that it was crazy how the Doctor was back on Gallifrey, like, who expected that! Overall, this was a really cool episode with a awesome story line.

Rating: 9.5/10

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