Wednesday 30 March 2016

Legends of Tomorrow: Night of the Hawk Review

I know I didn't do a review on the episode Marooned but I will make up for it by giving you awesome reviews now. It was funny how everyone was commenting about the time travel blurring their vision and stuff. It was crazy how everyone looking at Jax when he sat next to Betty. It was really funny how Jax dipped his food into his milkshake. It's really cool how everyone is fitting into the 1950's and living their life, like how Atom and Hawkgirl bought a house. It was really crazy when the neighbours came up to their door and it was Vandal Savage. It was crazy how the flying things came and then cut Betty and the officer took Jax. I did not expect that officer to bring him to Savage. It was insane when Jax got turned into one of those creatures and also when Vandal Savage let go of every creature in the building. It was mad when the waverider left Atom, Hawkgirl and also White Canary. Overall, this was a crazy and insane episode.

Rating: 8/10

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