Wednesday 2 March 2016

Legends of Tomorrow: Fail-Safe Review

It was so crazy how at the start Professor Stein thought he was in S.T.A.R. Labs but he was on hallucinogens. It was even crazier when Rip and Captain Cold were in a sauna and they went and fought everyone. It was really funny how White Canary was fighting 6 people at once when the others were just going against 1 guy, and were losing. It was crazy how Ray got beat up really bad and stood up for Mick. It was really sad how Ray got tortured so much. It was so weird how Martin fused with the lady. It was even awesome how Rip went against Savage and then he blew up the place. It was crazy how Kronos knocked them out of the time stream thing and the they went to Star City 2046. Overall, this was an awesome episode and can't wait for more.

Rating: 9/10

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