Sunday 18 October 2015

The Flash: Flash of Two Worlds Review

I really can't wait for the next episode. This will probably be one of my favourite episodes in the season. I really liked how Jay Garrick came in and how cool Zoom looked. Jay Garrick was fighting with Zoom when the wormhole opened in Earth 2 which I thought was a cool way to incorporate Zoom. Zoom looked awesome and so CGI but so cool with the electric on his ears. It was so cool how Barry learned how to throw lightning, but I didn't expect Jay Garrick to lose his speed. I really liked when Jay Garrick and Barry Allen just defeated Sand Demon and Patty Spivot was like "Help me Flash" and the two said "I'm Coming" and they were separated by a brick wall, this was so cool because it was the cover of the original Flash of Two Worlds comic book cover. It was also really crazy when Martin Stein dropped and also when Harrison Wells from Earth 2 appeared at the end. Overall, it was a crazy and cool episode.

Rating: 9.5/10

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