Wednesday 28 October 2015

The Flash: Family of Rogues Review

i really liked this episode with Captain Cold and Golden Glider. I liked how they brought the whole family of rogues even though only 2 of them were bad guys, Golden Glider being the good one in the episode. I liked how she asked Cisco, Barry and Caitlin for help and they were like, we know the Flash and we can call him if you do anything bad, that was so funny. I really liked how there was a deadline for the Flash to defeat Lennard Snart and his dad, even though Lennard Snart wasn't bad. It was also cool how Barry pretended to be Sam and work for the Rogues undercover. When he got shot, it was cool how he caught the bullet and pretended to get shot. It was also weird how Martin Stein became firestorm again and his flames turned blue, it was also really crazy how Harrison Wells from Earth 2 came through the "Flash Cannon". Overall, this was a really cool episode and it deserves a high rating.

Rating: 9/10

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