Saturday 30 January 2016

The Flash: The Reverse-Flash Returns Review

I love this episode, I think I am gonna try something different for this review. I am just gonna list all my favourite bits in the episode (Good and Bad) and then list my favourites at the very end and do a rating.


  • OMG, The Reverse Flash is back and as awesome as ever!
  • Cisco and Harry Team up to find Zoom and Reverse Flash
  • Vibe gets his awesome goggles
  • Cisco vibes the future!
  • Francine and Iris is so sad.
  • Patty found out he was the Flash!
  • Barry Phased and saved Dr McGee!
  • The Flash vs The Reverse Flash.
  • Why Cisco, why!
  • They have to send Eobard Thawne to the future to save Cisco!
  • OMG, Hunter Zolomon is Jay Garrick's Earth 1 counter part
  • Barry saying goodbye to Patty ;(

Out of all these moments I think that my favourite moment was when Patty called Barry and tricked him to say there was a gunman but he came as the Flash so she knew for sure and they said their goodbyes. I hoped you liked this new review style and I don't know if I will keep doing this. This was an awesome episode and I can't wait till next week with Tar Pit!

Rating 9.4/10

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