Saturday 30 January 2016

The Flash: Potential Energy Review

It was really funny how at the start Barry was running with the roses and then they caught on fire. It was so cool how they found the turtle and then they had to try and find them, turtle's power looks so cool when he does that, is it just a coincidence that his power is green and turtles are green. It is really funny when Barry is like, do you wanna go see art, and then she is like ok. The Zoom story is so scary but is so cool. It was so crazy when Barry looked for Patty and then he found the bullets on the ground, and he is just like, uh oh. It was so scary how at the end Harry killed the turtle. Sorry if this review is a bit rushed, but overall, this was a pretty good episode but others could be better.

Rating: 7.5/10

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