This episode was AWESOME! At the start there were so many cool scenes, like when the Doctor was on that planet and he was like, what's your name, and the young boy was standing in the middle of the hands told him that he was Davros. The Doctor just stopped and realised he was talking to the creator of the Dalek's as a kid. I really like how they incorporated Davros in this episode. Clara then realises that the planes in the sky have stopped moving. Missy and Clara meet up and find the doctor in the medieval British Isles. They then get teleported to a "space station" but Missy and Clara soon finds out that it is a invisible planet. The planet is revealed to be Skaro, home of the Dalek's. Clara and Missy are trapped inside a room with the Dalek's and both Missy and Clara get disintegrated by the Dalek's. We then see the Doctor back on the same planet as the start of the show, then he points a Dalek blaster at Davros and says "Exterminate"! Overall, I thought this episode of Doctor Who was an excellent start to Series 9.
Rating: 9/10
Inside Out was an excellent movie. I like the concept of the movie with the islands of personality inside your head, Goofball Island, Hockey Island, Family Island, Friendship Island and Honesty Island.I also liked the 5 emotions, Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust and Fear and how they are all so different but work so well together. I really like the story how they moved to San Francisco and had to make a fresh start on everything. Overall, I thought this movie was pretty good because it had a good story and concept.
Rating: 7.5/10
I will be doing reviews for every episode until the very end of both seasons. Doctor Who Series 9 will start on September 19 and The Flash Season 2 will start on October 6. I hope these episodes will be good so I will be rating them high. Look out for these reviews!
Barry Allen's new suit! |